Nutrition Calculator

Create your personalized nutrition and diet plan

Basic Information

Body Measurements

Activity and Goal

Progress Goal


Body Composition

Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI Category
Body Fat Percentage
Lean Body Mass
Ideal Weight
Daily Water Needs

Calorie Needs

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
Daily Calorie Needs (TDEE)
Target Calories
Target Duration (Weeks)

Macronutrient Distribution

Micronutrient Needs

Recommended Foods

Recommended Meal Plan

Daily Water Needs

🌟 Nutrition and wellness Guide: the Comprehensive Guide Calculation

🍎 Relationship between nutrition and metabolism

Today, a healthy diet and lifestyle, has gained more importance than ever before. Metabolic rate, caloric needs and nutritional values of factors such as the correct calculation, creates the foundation for a healthy life. The amount of energy our bodies need, age, gender, level of physical activity and general health status will vary depending on many factors such as.

Table 📊 Daily Calorie Needs

Aktivite SeviyesiKadın (kcal)Erkek (kcal)
Moderate Activity2000-22002400-2600
High Activity2200-24002800-3000

Consumption and the importance of water 💧

Water consumption, is an essential element of a healthy life. About 30-35 ml of water consumption per day for each kilogram of body weight is recommended. For example, a 70 kg individual’s daily water needs of approximately 2-2.Between 5 liters. However, this amount, level of physical activity, and dietary habits may vary according to climatic conditions.

🌡️ Daily Factors That Influence Water Needs:

  • Physical activity level
  • Air temperature and humidity
  • Eating habits
  • Health status
  • Age and gender

Rest and sleep 😴

Quality sleep, metabolism and has a significant impact on general health. For adults, the recommended daily between 7-9 hours of sleep time. Inadequate sleep, slow the rate of metabolism, appetite control and weight gain may cause corruption.

Recommended Sleep Times 🌙 By Age

Yaş GrubuÖnerilen Süre (saat)

🏃♂️ Physical activity and Metabolism

Physical activity, is one of the most important factors that increase metabolic rate. Regular exercise basal metabolic rate (BMR) , and increase calorie burning by raising assists in weight control. Exercise at least 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes per week at high intensity are recommended.

Healthy Weight Loss Goals 🎯

Healthy and sustainable weight loss is between 0.5-1 kg per week for a target to be set. To achieve this goal 500-750 kcal reduction in daily calorie intake is sufficient. However, the daily calorie intake for women 1200 kcal, 1500 kcal in malesthat do not fall under it is important.

Macro nutrients and balanced diet 🥗

A healthy diet plan protein, carbohydrate and fat ratios are balanced is important. In general, the proposed macro-nutrient distribution is as follows:

The Distribution Of Macro Nutrients 📈 Table

BesinÖnerilen OranKalori/gram
Protein%20-354 kcal
Carb%45-654 kcal
Oil%20-359 kcal

Ideal weight and body composition 💪

Body mass index (BMI) and body fat ratio, are important indicators of our health status used in the assessment. But alone it is not enough, BMI, body composition, and should also be taken into account that the mass of Nov.

⚖️ BMI categories

BMI DeğeriKategori

🔍 Frequently Asked Questions

  1. ‘How can I speed up my metabolism?’
  • Regular exercise
  • Per day 5-6 meals a day, eat in small portions
  • Mainly pay attention to nutrition protein
  • Consume enough water
  • Get quality sleep
  1. ‘How many calories should I take?’
    Calorie needs are specific to person and depends on many factors. A general calculation for your activity by adding a factor to increase your basal metabolic rate, you can determine your daily calorie needs.
  2. ‘How much water should I drink?’
    To calculate your daily water needs, you can multiply your body weight by 30. For example, a 70 kg person’s daily water needs of approximately 2100 MLis.

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