What Are Quantum Computers? When Will It Be Released?


Quantum computers, in recent years, has become one of the most widely spoken in the world of technology topics. Technology that pushes the boundaries of innovation, beyond the computational capacity is aiming to create a revolution in classical computers. Well, what is a quantum computer? When you will be in our daily lives? What are the differences between how computers and the prices will be normal? The answers to all these questions this article will explain it in detail.

What Are Quantum Computers?

Quantum computers quantum mechanics principles, that perform calculations by using a new generation of computers. The classic computers, information 0 and 1, while composed of bits, quantum computers elbow (quantum bits). Elbow, by using the quantum properties of 0 and 1 values that can take both at the same time. In this way, the computing power increases exponentially, and the solution of some problems is dramatically accelerated.

The Principles Of Quantum Mechanics

  • Superposition: an elbow is the ability to be in more than one state at the same time. During this calculation enables us to be evaluated simultaneously on more than one possibility.
  • Give it a name: two or more students connected to each other is a quantum phenomenon that affects the status of one of the other instantly. This feature allows information to be processed in a rapid and simultaneous manner.
  • Initiative: strengthening or weakening of specific results and each interacts with the other quantum states. The calculation of this unwanted paths helps to be eliminated.

What Is The Performance Of A Quantum Computer?

Than classical computers in solving certain types of problems quantum computers are massively faster than it could be. In particular:

  • Cryptography: quantum computers thanks to the factorization of large numbers, such as complex mathematical operations can be done much more quickly. This requires a reevaluation of the available encryption methods.
  • Optimization problems: Logistics, Supply Chain Management and finance that are used in areas such as complex optimization problems can be quickly resolved.
  • Simulation and modeling: molecular and atomic-level simulations of materials and can accelerate the discovery of new drugs.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning: algorithms in the analysis of big and complex data sets can provide a performance boost in the operation.

Comparison With Classical Computers

Kuantum Bilgisayarlar ve Klasik Bilgisayarların Karşılaştırılması

Özellik Klasik Bilgisayar Kuantum Bilgisayar
Bilgi Birimi Bit (0 veya 1) Kübit (0 ve 1 süperpozisyonu)
İşlem Kapasitesi Seri İşlem, Lineer Hız Paralel İşlem, Üstel Hız
Performans (Oyunlar) Yüksek grafik ayarlarında akıcı performans Oyun performansı için uygun değil
Kriptografi İşlemleri Büyük sayıları çözmesi çok uzun sürer Büyük sayıları hızlıca çözebilir
Simülasyon ve Modelleme Basit simülasyonlar yapabilir Karmaşık moleküler simülasyonları hızlıca yapabilir
Veri Analizi Büyük veri setlerini analiz etmek saatler alabilir Büyük veri setlerini dakikalar içinde analiz edebilir
Yapay Zeka Eğitimi Modellerin eğitimi günler sürebilir Modelleri saatler içinde eğitebilir
Donanım Teknolojisi Transistörler ve yarı iletkenler Süperiletkenler, iyon tuzakları
Soğutma Gereksinimi Standart hava veya sıvı soğutma Kriyojenik (çok düşük sıcaklık) soğutma
Hata Oranları Düşük hata oranları, stabil çalışma Yüksek hata oranları, hata düzeltme gerekli
Kullanım Alanları Genel amaçlı kullanım (ofis, oyun, internet) Spesifik karmaşık problemler (kriptografi, simülasyon)

As you step through a single transaction classical computers, quantum computers parallel computing capability can evaluate at the same time thanks to the possibility of more than one. Some of these issues in an exponential acceleration means.

Quantum Computing When Will It Be Released?

Currently active research and development is the subject of quantum computers. Many tech giants are making investments in this area and Research Center. However, a quantum computer would be released when it is ready for daily use, that it is difficult to give an exact date.

The Current Situation

  • Prototypes and Experimental Systems: IBM, Google, Microsoft and companies like Rigetti’s been, have developed a prototype of a quantum computer which is in working condition.
  • Cloud Services: IBM and several other companies began to offer services over the cloud quantum computing. In this way, quantum computers, researchers and developers you can try.
  • Research and development: universities and research institutions, is working on the scalability of quantum computers, and error correction mechanisms.

Future Predictions

  • The next 5-10 years: Quantum computers is expected to make a more stable and usable. Especially in certain industries for applications will be available on Apr.
  • Long-term: 20 years after the placing on the market and more advanced is likely to find a wider use of quantum computers.

What Will Happen To The Prices Of Quantum Computers?

Quantum computers are currently extremely expensive and complex devices. Factors that affect the prices:

  • Advanced technology and Materials: superconducting materials, custom components, and photonic systems such as ion traps are used.
  • Cooling systems: Elbow to work stable at temperatures near absolute zero must be run. This requires cryogenic cooling systems.
  • Research and development costs: the technology is immature because R & D costs are high.

Pricing For Individual Users

  • In the short term: it is not practical to purchase a quantum computer of individual users.
  • Cloud services: Companies, is trying to reduce costs by offering the power of quantum computing as a service. Pricing models may be available in hourly or per transaction.
  • In the long run: with the adoption of technology and lower costs, quantum computer services can be offered at more accessible prices.

The Differences Between Conventional Computers And Quantum Computers

İşlem / Problem Türü Normal Bilgisayar Kuantum Bilgisayar
Oyun Performansı Yüksek grafik ayarlarında akıcı performans sağlar. Genel oyun oynatma için uygun değildir.
Video İşleme Süresi Dakikalar ila saatler arasında sürebilir. Video işlemi için kullanılmaz.
Büyük Sayıların Çarpanlarına Ayrılması Yıllar alabilir. Dakikalar içinde çözülebilir.
Moleküler Simülasyonlar Pratik değildir veya imkansızdır. Hızlı ve etkin bir şekilde yapılabilir.
Veri Analizi Büyük veri setlerinin analizi saatler sürebilir. Dakikalar içinde analiz edebilir.
Yapay Zeka Eğitimi Günler ila haftalar sürebilir. Saatler ila günler içinde tamamlanabilir.

1. Information Processing Method

  • Classic Computers: Information bits (0 or 1) through processes.
  • Quantum computing: elbow processes through parallel processes.

2. Computing power and speed

  • Classic Computers: Serial and performs the operation are subject to certain speed limits.
  • Quantum computers: the ability to do parallel processing for specific problems through exponential increase in speed allows.

3. Areas Of Application

  • Classic Computers: general purpose use, office work, Games, internet, etc.
  • Quantum computers: the specific and complex calculations, simulations, cryptography, optimization problems.

4. Hardware and technology

  • Classic Computers: Transistors, integrated circuits and silicon-based technologies.
  • Quantum computers: Superconducting loops, ion traps, such as photonic components and cryogenic cooling systems uses special technology.

5. Error rates and stability

  • Classic Computers: Error rates are low and stable work.
  • Quantum computers: due to the fragility of quantum states, the error rate is high. Intensive work continues on error correction mechanisms.

The future of quantum computers and its effects

Cryptography and cyber security

Quantum computers has the potential to break encryption methods available. This requires the development of new approaches in the field of cyber security.

  • Resilient quantum Cryptography: cryptography algorithms durable in the face of the work for making quantum computers continues.
  • New security protocols: quantum cryptography, which uses the principles of quantum mechanics methods are being developed.

Scientific Research

  • Chemistry and Materials Science: new materials and simulations at the molecular level may accelerate drug discovery by doing.
  • Physics and cosmology: models of complex physical systems can be created and the secrets of the universe can be better understood.

Economics and finance

  • Market forecasts: forecasts and financial analysis more complex models can be developed.
  • Risk management: thanks to the rapid analysis of large data sets, risk assessments may become more effective.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

  • Algorithm development: Quantum computers, may improve the performance of machine learning algorithms.
  • Data analysis: processing and analysis of large data sets may accelerate.

Investment in and development of quantum computers

Global Trends

  • State aid: the United States, China, European Union and other countries are investing billions of dollars in quantum technologies.
  • Private sector investment: Google, IBM, and numerous startup tech giants such as Microsoft, are competing for the development of quantum computers.

Education and human resources

  • Specialization Requirements: the need for engineers and scientists specialized in the field of quantum technologies is increasing.
  • Academic programs: Universities, undergraduate and graduate programs on quantum computing and quantum technologies, it opens.

The challenges and obstacles of quantum computers

Technological Challenges

  • Bug fix: Quantum error correction mechanisms for the work of the computer it is necessary to develop stable.
  • Scalability: increasing the number of cubits and the system is scalable, making it a significant challenge.
  • Physical limitations: due to the sensitive nature of quantum mechanics, needs protection from environmental factors.

Ethical and safety issues

  • Privacy: the potential of quantum computers to break encryption methods, in terms of individual and corporate privacy is a concern.
  • Digital Inequality: the widening of inequalities in access to technology has a risk of.


Quantum computers, a technology that will shape the future of an important innovation is. Although it is not yet part of our daily lives, with the rapid advancement of research and development in the near future, shows that quantum computers can be used in certain areas.

In comparison with classical computers, quantum computers problems in certain types of exponential performance increase can provide. However, the technology is mature and widely is subject to many technical and practical constraints that must be overcome for adoption.

In the future, quantum computers economy, scientific research, cyber security, artificial intelligence in many areas of breakthrough improvements can lead. Therefore, closely follow developments in this area and it is essential to be prepared for possible opportunities and challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. The future when quantum computers become available to everyone?

  • To make quantum computers available for general use for the next 10-20 years is expected to be taken important steps in. However, individual users that they can use in their homes to the emergence of quantum computers, it may take longer.

2. Quantum computers will not replace classical computers?

  • It won’t completely take the place of quantum computers. The two technologies will be used for different areas and purposes. Classical computers for general purpose use will remain.

3. Can quantum computers break encryption methods available’t it?

  • Yes, quantum computers can theoretically break many of the encryption methods available. Therefore, quantum-resistant cryptography, we are continuing to work on the development of methods.

4. Prices will fall on quantum computers?

  • The maturation of technology and production techniques, with the development of quantum computers over time, the costs may fall. However, it is not expected to be affordable for individual purchases in the near future.

5. Quantum computers will revolutionize which industries?

  • Scientific research, finance, logistics, artificial intelligence, cyber security a major impact in many areas such as drug discovery and is expected to create.
Kuantum Bilgisayarlar


  1. Of quantum computing IBM
    IBMquantum computing technologies and detailed information about their work.
    Web site: https://www.ibm.com/quantum
  2. Google Quantum AI
    GoogleQuantum Artificial intelligence, quantum computing projects and current developments.
    Web site: https://quantumai.google
  3. Quantum Microsoft Azure
    MicrosoftQuantum Computing Research details about services and flour.
    Web site: https://azure.microsoft.com/tr-tr/services/quantum/
  4. ‘Quantum computing for Everyone’ – Chris Bernhardt, 2019
    quantum computers is a comprehensive book that explains the basics of a language that everyone can understand.
    ISBN: 978-0262039253
  5. ‘Quantum computation and quantum information’ by Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang, 2010
    in the field of quantum computing is one of the basic sources.
    ISBN: 978-1107002173
  6. ‘The future of computing’ – special issue of Nature magazine in 2018,
    and its potential future applications of quantum computers that contains articles on a special broadcast.
    Nature, Vol. 549, No. 7671.
  7. TUBITAK – Quantum Technology Studies
    in Turkeyon quantum technologies and information about research and projects.
    Web site: https://tubitak.gov.tr
  8. ‘Quantum Supremacy using a programmable superconducting Processor’ – John M. Martinis et al., 2019
    Googlequantum supremacy achieved in the experimental study of details.
    Nature, Vol. 574, Pages 505-510.
  9. ‘The Global Risks Report 2020’ – World Economic Forum
    on the economics and the potential effects of quantum computers in the field of security evaluations.
    Web site: https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-risks-report-2020
  10. ‘Introduction to quantum cryptography’ – Journal of Science and technology, 2020
    basics of quantum cryptography, and security applications on an article.
    Science and technology, No. 625.

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